Benvenuti amici!
Despite the fact many USAmericans would consider the company new to the marketplace, FIAT has left a huge footprint on the automotive industry. The automaker has been on the frontline of the city car evolutionary process. This is undeniable. With the reputation of being quirky, their old & new creations can be spotted zipping around urban areas the world over. Seemingly, every tiny FIAT ever made has its own giant following with dedicated clubs, forums & websites.
Despite the fact many USAmericans would consider the company new to the marketplace, FIAT has left a huge footprint on the automotive industry. The automaker has been on the frontline of the city car evolutionary process. This is undeniable. With the reputation of being quirky, their old & new creations can be spotted zipping around urban areas the world over. Seemingly, every tiny FIAT ever made has its own giant following with dedicated clubs, forums & websites.
I recommend using these 'lineage' entries as a springboard to dive into your own personal research of the company and the various models which have driven the Italian car world since 1899.
Let's cruise down memory lane...
FIAT 600/Itay ~ 1955-1969
Also Known As/Country/Years in Production:
SEAT 600/Spain ~ 1957-1973
Jagst 600/770/Germany ~ 1960-1967
Zastava 750/850/Yugoslavia ~ 1955-1985
FIAT 600D/E/R/S/Argentina/Uruguay/Chile ~ 1960-1982
FIAT 750Z/Colombia ~ 1979-1982

FIAT 850/Italy ~ 1964-1973
The 600 successor marks the runabout redirection
(See; FIAT 128)

FIAT 850/Italy ~ 1964-1973
The 600 successor marks the runabout redirection
(See; FIAT 128)
Also Known As/Country/Years in Production:
SEAT 850/Spain ~ 1966-1974
Pirin-FIAT/Bulgaria ~ 1967-1971
FIAT 127/Italy ~ 1971-1983
Also Known As/Country/Years in Production:
SEAT 127/Spain ~ 1972-1984
Polski FIAT 127p/Poland ~ 1973-1975
FIAT 147/FIAT Spazio/Vivace
Brazil/Argentina/Colombia ~ 1976-1986
Brazil/Argentina/Colombia ~ 1976-1986
FIAT 126/Italy ~ 1972-2000
Also Known As/Country/Years in Production:
Polski FIAT 126p/Poland ~ 1973-2000
Steyr-Puch 126/Austria ~ 1973-1975
Steyr-Puch 126/Austria ~ 1973-1975
I am confident these shapes/designs look familiar to all hatchback drivers. What I find most striking is how FIAT has accomplished what they have with the same general shape. Take a second look at the '55 600 and compare it to the '72 126. It is all there in the profile. Amazing, is it not?
FIAT 500 'Topolino'/Italy ~ 1936-1955
FIAT 500/Italy ~ 1957-1975
Also Known As/Country/Years in Production
Steyr-Puch 500/Austria ~ 1957-1975
FIAT 500/Global ~ 2007-Present
A closer look at the 'Topolino' (above) reveals the same cabrio found on a 2013 500c. This design cue looks just as fresh today as it was in 1947. Okay, I will concede city cars have grown a bit in size over the years. But the FIAT variety has retained most, if not all, of the charm that has fueled the imaginations of designers & drivers since the early coaches put Italian citizens in motion.
Now, on to a few other influential small urban legends produced by FIAT...
FIAT 124/Italy ~ 1966-1974
Also Known As/Country/Years in Production:
Lada 1200/Russia ~ 1966-1987
Premier 118NE/India ~ 1985-2001
SEAT 124/Spain ~ 1968-1980
Pirin-FIAT/Bulgaria ~ 1967-1971
Murat 124/Turkey ~ 1976-2002
FIAT-KIA 124/Korea ~ 1970-1975
FIAT 128/Italy ~ 1969-1985
Also Known As/Country/Years in Production:
Zastava 128 Skala/Yugoslavia ~ 1971-2008
FIAT 128/Argentina ~ 1971-1990
FIAT 128/Colombia
FIAT 128/Sri Lanka
FIAT X1/9/Italy ~ 1972-1989
(Bertone years included)
FIAT Panda/Italy ~ 1980-Present
(Tychy, Poland years included)
Also Known As/Country/Years in Production
SEAT Panda & Marbella/Spain/1980-1986
(Panda 4x4 co-produced with Steyr-Puch)